Monday, October 08, 2012

Giving thanks to God for a Canucky fall

Started off with the annual Thanksgiving East versus West Classic crosstown rivalry football game up at West Hill, which for the last half a decade has been rebilled as a Friday Night Lights game played at dusk, which I watched atop the West Rocks just barely over the tip tops of the overgrown trees which have since been quickly removing the old view of the football field from above. First time actually watching a football game from up there, which I was told back in the day was the place to be and spot to watch a WHSS Raiders game, if you move further down the back trail, supposedly there is a makeshift camping place where you could watch the other game crosstown with the OSCVI Falcons, if both were playing out of town opponents being either the Grey Highlands Lions or John Diefenbaker Trojans. After watching the Falcons peck away at the Raiders 26-14, the hardest part was coming down and remembering where all the nooks and crannies of the rocks were, but eventually made it on down, in record time without the help of the sun or moon.

The weekend led to a great time of getting back with family being the brother and his wife and sister, her husband and their two boys, all enjoying the work time off and the beautiful colours across the escarpment, as the leaves fell to wistful blasts of balmy wind. Hearing recent news and old stories from the family, one gets the material to knit the local fabric from these gettogethers, something one would agree being without makes one poorer. Richness is found in the treasure trove of familial verbiage, especially the public school aged nephews who have lots to speak about from their collective days in their various classes.

So today on the actually day of Thanksgiving here in Canada, I actually give thanks for the other 364 we forget to simply thank to Our Father who is in heaven as hallowed be his name, whose kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven. For giving us this day our daily bread, forgiving us our trespasses, just as we forgive those who trespass against us and for lead us not into temptation, but delivering us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever amen.