Keady is the King of Communities in Rural Ontario and Canada
Nothing says loving except a couple slabs of fresh seasoned beef, served up by both Chatsworth Township Mayor Howard Greig and Keady Farmers Livestock Market Manager Garry Kuhl, as what happened down at the Keady Beef Barbeque yesterday. Just enjoyed the atmosphere, music and those around us, got meeting lots of familiar friendly faces, ones our family knew for years and still know well enough to say hello or shake a hand. Though we all had to go before the fiddle music and square dancing kicked off the dusk, I suspect I will likely be hearing about all the goings on well into the summer, hopefully stories from some of those personally involved in them until we meet again next year to renew old acquaintances.
I especially enjoyed seeing a few schoolmates from back in the day, but I missed many who had been there but may have left, however truly found it special to see former nextdoor neighbours Harris and Hazel Kuhl and speak with former athletic coaches Jim and Kaye Holmes, all of whom are hardcore Keady Community Club supporters and members, though I did miss seeing their kin there at the event.
Over the years things may change, but the community that is the hamlet of Keady and its Green Monster Arena have stayed the same, an obvious fact that may of us close to it remain quite proud of. Traditions, heritage and history of those who share in its intangible culture can be found deep in the mind, heart and soul of those who commune inside, live within and share that spirit, people may not patriotically wave its flag, pledge its oath or wear its colours, but instead they simply do good individually for the greater whole collectively. That proud spirit which is alive in hamlets such as Keady in Rural Ontario and Canada today, it is that energy which keeps the Urban Toronto and Ottawa engine that is this province and nation moving forward day in and night out, without such that healthy balance of reformed traditions and progressive change could nor would not be found.
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