The Tory Tortoise without principles or policy might lose by a minority hare
After watching the first national debate between all four national parties being the Conservatives, New Democrats, Liberal, and Greens, I must positively admit outright that something different and wrong must be happening inside the federal Tory campaign according to its debate preparedness shown through its leader and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, not sure if uberconfident Jenni Byrne, Ray Novak, Guy Giorno, Jason Macdonald, or Dustin Vanvugt are bubbling too much but someone inside the bunker is not keeping up enough with the realities beyond and someone else with much sounder political instincts may soon have take over the reigns, close the classroom for personal development, and force Harper outside for recess with the other citizens of Canada to get back in touch with the real world. Slow and steady wins the race as Tory the Tortoise has done so winningly the past three elections, using the pragmatic Machiavellian tools of statecraft via ingenuity and trickery without inspiration or ambition to win a weak minority in 2006, stronger one in 2008, then finally their cherished majority in 2011 which they whittled and piddled away as the national agenda drove it rather than it driving the national agenda which runs contrary to even the rules of engagement for incremental conservatism bypassing the ideas and implementation both difficult and divisive. Those heady days of being the alternative to decadent, bureaucratic, and authoritarian government that promised to bring transparency, accountability, and honesty from Wellington Street and the backroom, led by the loyal Doug Finley, Ian Brodie, Patrick Muttart, Sandra Buckler, Carolyn Stewart Olsen, and Dimitri Soudas, to our front porch and mainstreet were quickly switched from campaign assets into governmental liabilities via its various miscues and missteps over the past decade and simply replaced by a shrug of the burdened shoulder of another top down elitist government that had become simply put Ottawashed.
The Tory Tortoise without principles or policy might lose by a minority hare, either a charismatic personality led New Demo, Liberal, or Bloc via a long term coalition of the desperately willing or last minute tidal wave of change, making a fable by Aesop a reality by default here in Canada without even trying as one votes against something and not usually for it.
Outperformed, outmatched, and outnumbered, underestimated yet overwhelmed these federal Tories helmed by Harper do not yet see the depth of outright opposition not powered by any kind of political opponent, but rather by the overall populace and citizen base of Canadians themselves, who do not see a plan nor purpose behind this government other than reelecting itself for no reason deter but to be in power with those valuable perks of prestige and privilege in pocket for another four. Canadians are slowly looking to Mulcair and Trudeau on the question of leadership and economic stewardship, past someone who not only has a bachelors and masters degree in economics from the University of Calgary but who also has overseen a national economy for almost one whole decade, the advantage should be his and one that in such dire times and grim days ahead in all ways involving the dollar shockingly decidedly so yet here we are debating the very issue and looking to swap horses midstream which says quite a lot. Maybe it all is some kind of political gamesplay with a masterful check move by the prime master himself, perhaps it could be explained away by realizing this will be the longest election campaign we have ever had before federally, but I think quoating freely out from the original agreement in principle that united the federal Tories forgot to believe in Canada and their party itself "as the greater sum of strong parts" where its greatest strengths at times can also become its strongest weaknesses to finally become realized fully and likely paid dearly by those neverending campaigners who forgot to care about the eternal governance of this great dominion.
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