Wednesday, July 09, 2008

An Allout Attack from Quebec Separatists to Alberta Secessionists upon our United Canadian Dominion

Autonomy is indeed one thing, but to advocate for all out separation and secession from a recognized nation state is dishonourable, dispicable and disloyal. A United Canada, with its ten strong provinces and three big territories, will not work if both Quebec separatists and Alberta secessionists continue to attack its very foundation. Understanding the problems that face both Quebec separatists and Alberta secessionists is key, solutions can only be found, however by working together and fixing them once and for all. At the core, Canadians need to understand their individual differences, yet still celebrate the commonality within their own community. All of us have a duty, to make this Dominion work for its people, no matter how they differ from one another, to our betterment in this world. Ontario, like those other united provinces and territories of Canada, should work to become more autonomous, sovereign and independent from the federal government and towards each others special traditions, histories and heritage, but must not lose the distinct Canadian stylized character we all uniquely hold within. As the house divided against itself can not stand, unity within must be commonly agreed upon through consensus or division will become rampant to its end without.