Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Fever Not Just Yet

As we enter Essay and Exam month, or E and E, I look around to see not the North American brand of spring fever, or sets of physical and psychological symptoms, such as an unexpected increase in energy, vitality and particularly sexual appetite, associated with the arrival of spring, in exhibition throughout our cozy campus community. Quite the opposite, I see the more European brand that is a lethargic state of low energy, obvious weariness and overall weakness within the sudent body at Redeemer, so I wonder just where this comes from. Personally, though we are in the Steel Belt or Niagara Region of the Province of Ontario, I think people feel down because the snow is still with us, which has given the greens and flora its natural arrested development, but that is just my own theory, just hoping it and the underlying negative factors within turn around soon.