Louis D. Riel's Babble Rabble Dabble
So, yeah, I voted for Louis D. Riel over Lester B. Pearson, in the final of an Ontario Tory sponsored Great Dominion Dust-Up game, where Riel is leading 66% to Pearson's 34%. Quite silly though, that a provincial political party which ran the great province of Ontario for 42 years under Premiers Drew, Kennedy, Frost, Robarts, Davis and Miller (sans les B3Machine), with its Big Bad Blue Machine, is now running a less than great internet game run by current Ontario Progressive Conservative MPP Tim Hudak. Ironically, Riel had never officially been told personally that he had helped Canada grow as a Dominion and himself was a Father of Confederation for Manitoba before he died and Pearson was never officially been told personally that he had helped Canada slow as a Dominion and himself one of the biggest interventionist, continentalist and globalist in this nation before he died. Now, I voted for Agnes C. Macphail in the final as the Greatest Ontario Woman in a contest run by former Ontario New Democrat MPP Marilyn Churley in 2005, then before that, I voted for Tommy C. Douglas in the final as the Greatest Canadian in a contest run by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 2004, but for the life of me, I don't think we can actually quantify or qualify individually ourselves or collectively as community any one Canadian, Ontarian or other different traits of classification (gender, race social, economic fiscal, etc.) and I don't think we should encourage it. So therefore, I think that this may have been my last cybervote in yet another cyberpoll, whose power may actually help to divide and polarize a people and their culture negatively than just positively uniting and celebrating it. Plus, aren't these duly elected politicians and public service bureaucrats supposed to be working on being active or restrictive on governmental legislation, serving its public citizenry equally, effectively and efficiently on the essential needs of it and maintaining the peace, order and greater good governance for the common wealth of those people rather than starting cyberpolls, promoting them and using valuable time to troll for your cybervotes on questions of egotism, narcissism and its psychological accomplice megalomania - get back to work for the working taxpayer!
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