Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Frozen Cold St. V's Day

Martin Luther is believed to have once said "Hier stehe Ich, Ich kann nicht anders, Gott helfe mir amen!" or "Here I stand, I can do no other, God help me amen!" (according to Reformed Christian historical tradition, it was the conclusion to his speech at the Diet of Worms, after the spokesman for Emperor Charles V had asked if he would recant his criticisms of the Church of Roman Catholicism and Pope Leo X, Cardinal Albert of Hohenzollern, Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg, and their abuse of the indulgence soteriologic income to pay their bribery debts and his own 95 Protestant doctrinal theses he posted on the door of the Castle in Wittenberg), when I stepped outside today in the middle of yet another windy snow blizzard, quite like yesterday and probably tomorrow, I could think of nothing but the other and did just that!

Already out the door with a huge snow drift at the steps, I drudged onto the unshoveled and reiced dorm path to its main walkway, a huge snow bank came between me and the walkway at the end of the path, so I hurdled it only to end up knee deep into yet another snowbank, as the main pathway wasn't cleared either, not yet 9 of the clock, I decided rather foolishly to continue through all of the massive snow deposits, as my class was likely going to be late anyhow, if there was even going to be one, so I went the long way towards our school's administration section, halfway there I found the snow right above my waist, by the end some drifts were up to my chest and now so very close to my now frozen cold heart on such an ironic day as this.

Having made it to its doors, I found the school to be locked on that side, which likely would have forced me to go through my already blazed trail on the previously snowful pathway amongst those tall trees, but instead opted to go unconventionally around the actual school by the bricks where there was little to no snow at all, which really worked for my time as I quickly moved towards our school's athletic department doors, after shaking of the snow from my hips on down to my tapping toes, I ran up the stairs by the cafeteria to the social science department corner of the building to find it closed, which meant yet another trip for nothing like yesterday and likely tomorrow, instead of doing some research at the library or lifting the iron and playing some roundball in the gym, today knowing school was cancelled, I just retired back to my cave, keep reading the book I have been reading since last weekend, awaiting to hear from other snowed-inners who likely will hit me up for some crazy activity involving - you guessed it - snow!